*NOT* just another face in the crowd

Monday, August 21, 2006


Life..it's one big puzzle..!
One has everything..yet something's just not right.
At times, people enter that decadent phase for no reason at all.Some relish those moments bitterly, while some go out to find something new..something fresh, something to amuse their worn-out souls.
Sighing out loudly which does not help when it feels like your heart's constricted..as if someone's clasped his hands tightly with your heart in the middle. The suffocation, the bitterness, the irritation, carp when it's least needed, or just keep silent..be abnormally silent...
A friend so rightly said that it is at times like these that creativity oozes out from you..if you care to recognize it!!!


Blogger JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said...

well thats so right...and i would like to believe that art is bred out of chaos...now talking about that i once saw a movie where the parents deliberately made their childs life disturbed because they believed that choas breeds art...

well as it turned out the child became no great artist but a withdrawn person all his life...

well i guess one cannot connive a chaos...its taking place there and in that struggle to bring order art is realised...

now thats a lot of pedantic stuff...will stop here...well nice piece this...food for thought :-)

keep posting

7:40 AM  
Blogger JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said...

and i am finally out of hibernation :-) new chapter!!!

6:00 AM  
Blogger ~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

life is not just a simple puzzle...neither is it a crossword puzzle....its a frikkin jigsaw...u never know where the peices fit ...or dsnt fit....and then u get confused.....
my best wishes to u too....:)

5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree ripz...the worst of times often get the best out of us...u expressed it well through your piece.Very often,even before we realise,these deep thoughts lead us into our innerselves n what results is an artistic piece of poetry,a sketch or a write up..though it's also true, that even these means are not sufficient to actually convey the depth of thought that have gone into them...

8:15 AM  

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